Fuente Champion Gothic

Ejemplo de fuente Champion Gothic #1
Ejemplo de fuente Champion Gothic #2

Información del archivo de fuente:

  • Versión:Version 1.302
  • Marca comercial:Champion Gothic is a trademark of Hoefler & Co., which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
  • Compañía:Hoefler & Co.
  • Diseñador:Hoefler & Co.
  • Breve descripción:This software is the property of Hoefler & Co. You may not copy, modify, distribute, or download this software, or install it upon any computer, or host it from any location. Your right to use this software is subject to the Terms of Service agreement that exists between you and Hoefler & Co. If no such agreement exists, you may not use this software for any purpose. For more information, please visit http://www.typography.com/webfont-software, or contact Hoefler & Co. at www.typography.com
  • URL:www.typography.com
  • Licencia:This software is the property of Hoefler & Co. You may not copy, modify, distribute, or download this software, or install it upon any computer, or host it from any location. Your right to use this software is subject to the Terms of Service agreement that exists between you and Hoefler & Co. If no such agreement exists, you may not use this software for any purpose. For more information, please visit http://www.typography.com/webfont-software, or contact Hoefler & Co. at www.typography.com
  • Licencia URL:http://www.typography.com/webfont-software