Fuente Sentinel Ornaments

Ejemplo de fuente Sentinel Ornaments #1
Ejemplo de fuente Sentinel Ornaments #2
Ejemplo de fuente Sentinel Ornaments #3
Ejemplo de fuente Sentinel Ornaments #4

Información del archivo de fuente:

  • Versión:Version 1.200
  • Marca comercial:Sentinel Ornaments is a trademark of Hoefler & Co., which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
  • Compañía:Hoefler & Co.
  • Diseñador:Hoefler & Co.
  • Breve descripción:A copy of the License Agreement for this font software can be found online at https://www.typography.com/policies/self-hosted-terms. This font software may not be installed for desktop use, and unless you have entered into the agreement referenced in the preceding sentence, you may not use it for any purpose. For more information, please visit https://www.typography.com/webfonts, or contact Hoefler & Co. at https://www.typography.com
  • URL:www.typography.com
  • Licencia:A copy of the License Agreement for this font software can be found online at https://www.typography.com/policies/self-hosted-terms. This font software may not be installed for desktop use, and unless you have entered into the agreement referenced in the preceding sentence, you may not use it for any purpose. For more information, please visit https://www.typography.com/webfonts, or contact Hoefler & Co. at https://www.typography.com
  • Licencia URL:https://www.typography.com/webfonts